A membership for my empathic beings out there experiencing a spiritual awakening and are newer to the spiritual path …let me help you get grounded, elevate your consciousness, and become a powerful attractor for all of the amazing love, money, and relationships you desire.

Tell me if this is you…..

You’re an empathic/highly sensitive being who called in a spiritual awakening and you’re desperately looking for answers to stay grounded in reality. You know you have a big purpose here but you can’t seem to figure it out…

You prayed to the universe to change your life for the better and now you’re losing friends and family on the daily, being called to leave your job but need to pay your bills, and your relationship is in shambles. It feels like your life is falling apart.

You’re getting tarot videos left and right giving you conflicting advice…one article tells you to go completely vegan and the other tells you that eating lots of meat will energize your chakras…. “And what is a chakra anyway??”

You feel like you have no one in your life that understands you anymore and all you want is someone to talk to and connect with that won’t think you’re crazy.

Even though this experience is overwhelming, deep down, you know that you’re meant to embody the powerful creator you are and live a life you thought only existed in movies. You just need a mentor to help you navigate this part of the journey.

You’ve looked for spiritual mentors but you don’t resonate with any of them… they only talk about the woo woo but you want a mentor who is grounded in the physical, mental, & emotional dimensions too… Well look no more :)


What’s Included

Step by step monthly action plans with unique energetic transmissions to get grounded in your physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual self care during your spiritual awakening


  • My unique on-demand energetic transmissions as if you were sitting right across from me on my Reiki table receiving a healing directly from me!

  • Specific actions to take to raise your vibration to become a powerful attractor for the amazing life experiences you crave.

  • Spiritual hygiene help so you can wake up feeling energized instead of drained by the energy vampires around you.

  • My On-Demand energetic healing to ground, clear, and protect your energetic field so you aren’t brought down by negative energies around you.

  • Techniques to regulate your emotions and nervous system so you’re not having nervous breakdowns everyday during your awakening.

  • Subconscious belief reprogramming to create any reality that your heart desires. Want to manifest your dream job?..Easy - I’ll teach you how. I can manifest ANYTHING.

  • Exclusive energy healing! I send my membership collective daily energy healing to improve your energy levels and manifesting abilities.


Proven strategies I teach in my classes and 1:1 sessions

A private community of likeminded souls to lean on for support on your spiritual ascension & self development journey

what my people are saying:

Get grounded and balanced.

Embody the powerful creator you are

Elevate and live a life you thought only existed in movies